Given the controversial nature of the fees

The issue: The Cheyenne City Council is planning to pay 77,000 for a study on the value of impact fees for development here.We believe: Given the controversial nature of the fees, this is a good idea. It is wise to find out if they will be a good fit for Cheyenne.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .The Cheyenne City Council approved a study last week to look at impact fees for new development.While the 77,cheap true religion,000 price tag gives one pause especially considering the flawed pay study the city got last year,cheap true religion jeans, well past its deadline the council is right to bring in a firm to explore the feasibility of adding these fees to new construction.Impact fees are one-time charges to developers to recover the costs of increased services or added facilities due to new development. They are meant to keep existing residents and businesses from having to pay the costs associated with that. In other words,that electronic voting might confuse the public. No,Cheap burberry Outlet Shop Online Sale burberry handbags And burberry bags. Free Shipping!, they make growth pay for growth.As other communities in the region have seen,, few things divide a city more than a discussion on impact fees. Some residents believe they stifle growth because developers will look elsewhere to avoid paying the fees. Others say impact fees guarantee that a city has adequate funding to pay the costs of growth. Both sides make valid points.That is why we support the decision to study the issue. Impact fees might be a good fit for Cheyenne. The city appears to be on the move again after the Great Recession,burberry outlet, and it will need funding to build infrastructure related to new development.But the fees could slow or even quash new construction. And Cheyenne needs more living space,burberry scarf,every plant except individual ramin trees, especially rentals, if it is ever going to attract and keep the young professionals that it needs for its growing tech sector.Impact fees are nothing new. They have been around for decades,true religion outlet, but their use exploded in the 1980s and 1990s as the robust economy spurred growth. Developers generally dislike them,,” she said., but rarely do they eat the fees. They simply pass the costs on to new occupants in the form of higher purchase prices or increased rents.Are impact fees right for Cheyenne? It s hard to say. Those who support the fees say it is the fairest way to pay for new development. Existing taxpayers shouldn t have to pay for improvements that will serve new residents or businesses. And it is true that the city s budget already is squeezed.On the other hand,cheap burberry scarf,It will be the first internationally branded hotel in the city of Panzhihua, residents benefit from the development,burberry outlet,has died. She was 87.Updated, especially if it is a new commercial entity,gen17395, like a new place to shop or eat.But impact fees are generally added in cities with a strong real estate market,burberry outlet online, and Cheyenne is still recovering from the recession. The fees are worthless if businesses decide to build elsewhere or builders put up homes outside the city because they don t think they can charge enough for new homes to recover their costs.Some argue that impact fees are unfair because they are usually collected by a single government, even though a new development impacts other entities. Perhaps a sharing arrangement can be worked out between the city and Laramie County, especially if the County Commission can be encouraged to pass similar fees. That also would prevent builders from moving outside city limits.It will be important to assure the study is done on time. The mayor should set firm deadlines and set up a payment schedule to encourage delivery. If those are not there, the council should not sign off.But clearly there are more questions than answers concerning impact fees here. So approving a study is the right move for the council at this time.

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